Covers' assembly instructions - GRANUCCI SEATS

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Covers' assembly instructions


The covering of our covers is made of synthetic material purposely manufactured for motorcycle seats; the surface has been treated in order to be sunproof and weatherproof and it is placed on a bi-elastic support which guarantees stress-resistance. The thread used is anti-wear nylon.
Use water and soap for cleaning when necessary; avoid abrasive cloths or aggressive solvent-based detergents.
While washing  the motorcycle avoid high-pressured water on the seat.


(necessary tools: a screwdriver and pincers)
After having removed the seat from the motorcycle remove the existing cover (you can decide to leave it there if it doesn't get in the way and it's not ruined).
Coverings are mainly fixed under the base of the seat with staples, therefore make sure the tip of the screwdriver you are using is narrower than the staple itself.
Insert the screwdriver under the staple and lever it, making sure the tip of the screwdriver is turned towards the outside and not towards yourself. Then use the pincers to take out the staple. Repeat this process with all the staples until you have removed them all therefore the cover gets off.

(necessary tools: a staple-gun and a hairdryer)
After having cleaned the surface of the upholstery place the new cover on the seat. It is important to place the cover centrally and equally spread, therefore it is better to start from the front side placing a few staples in the middle, on the central spot. Please note: fix the staples on the elastic tape.  -Don't worry if the covers looks smaller than the seat, it's shaped and sized in order to avoid wrinkles when assembled.- Stretch the cover to the end, fixing the staples in the middle on the back side. Repeat this process in the middle of the other two sides and if the cover is placed exactly in the centre proceed until it is fixed on the whole perimeter; to make them fit and stretch better it is possible to warm them with an ordinary hairdryer. Take care not to warm them too much or from too close. If you do not feel like assembling the covers on your own you can ask an upholsterer or a willing friend…
When done, you can send us by e-mail one or more pictures of you motorcycle to be published eventually on our website. In that case we ask your permission to publish it in magazines too or in information material.

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